
The Alameda Block 9.5″ x 9.5″ x 72″

The Alameda Block 9.5″ x 9.5″ x 72″

Jigsaw Block, a.k.a. The Alameda Block, a.k.a. the Gigablock, a.k.a. the Gig Saw Block

Perfect for Anti-Ricochet Ballistic Knee Walls

Ideal application use is for protecting existing Knee Walls or to function as a Knee Wall, protecting steps, soil, and media retention.

At CRS, our goal is to provide ballistic rubber solutions that protect your team and range infrastructure during live fire training. That’s why our Interlocking Jigsaw Blocks are made of superior quality high-density ballistic rubber. This product ensures the safety of your personnel as well as any other objects in near proximity from redirects, ricochets, splatter, or spawl. Polymer-based blocks can not achieve this sizing and maintain function. They would tear or split at these lengths and weights. Our blocks won’t budge or walk when absorbing a round.

The Jigsaw or Alameda Blocks have interlocking joint ends that create closed seams so rounds can’t pass through seams between blocks.

“The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office runs the biggest and busiest law enforcement range in Northern California, 2 years ago, I was tasked with a remodel/beautification of our range. During the remodel, I saw that the front of the range was shot to hell and the wood was severely damaged and the concrete behind it was in even worse condition from all the rounds impacting it over the 25 years. The only time saving and economical solution I could come up with was installing ballistic rubber in front of the concrete wall. I worked with Cumberland Rubber Supply and they agreed to make a special ballistic rubber mold for me with interlocking ballistic rubber that would not allow any weak point seams and would absorb the countless rounds that it is hit with. Two years later, the rubber has withstood the test of time. There are no weak spots, or even any areas that show impact damage. The rubber appears to have a very good UV rating, as with 2 years in the sun, it has not changed color or composition. It has maintained its original color and density. I am very impressed with the quality of the rubber and in fact have ordered even more rubber to reinforce several of our open ranges where again we have some bad shots who continually destroy the bases of our targets. I would highly recommend the use of this rubber for any firearms facility as it takes away the risk of ricochet and maintains its structure, form and absorbs countless rounds that I cannot put a count on.”

— Sheriff Paul J. Liskey Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

CRS offers multiple sizes and custom options for high density ballistic rubber blocks:

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